Liebster Award!! Thank You!

Liebster2Thank you maddie kathryn for nominating me for the Liebster Award!! It’s been only a month since I started my blog and thanks to fellow bloggers support and likes that keeps me motivated! I love her blog go check her out! Here are my answers to maddie kathryn’s Questions: 

  1. What is your favorite fashion trend right now?

The voluminous 50’s style skirt is my favorite fashion trend right now. I love skirts not a fan of pencil skirts or the short skirts. So I’m liking the maxi style skirts in the colorful prints. I’m stocking up!

  1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

When I wake up I make myself a cup of coffee and then do some very basic yoga – i.e. the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations.

  1. Where is your dream place to live? Are you living there now?

My dream place to live would be Italy, preferably in the Umbria/Tuscany area. It would be in a small villa by a Vineyard for sure. I’m definitely not living there now!

  1. What is usually the best part of your day?

Best part of the day is when I get to read my blog feeds at night when the rest of the house is sleeping.

  1. What is your favorite genre of music?

Pop is probably my favorite genre of music

  1. Who is your #1 inspiration in life?

My Dad – he is a simple and selfless man that taught us to give our 110% to anything and everything we do without worrying about the outcome.

  1. Do you plan things out or are you a “go with the flow” kind of person?

I’m definitely a go with the flow kinda person, I like to make lists and plan but when they don’t work out, I don’t fret.. I just go with the flow

  1. Who is your favorite designer?

Chanel and Valentino are my favorite design houses. I also like Sabyasachi the indian designer who made the ethnic Indian Saree trendy again. Sorry hard to pick just one!

  1. Would you rather there be no makeup in the world but all the clothes you love or would rather everyone has to wear ponchos everyday but there is still all the makeup you love?

I’m a no makeup person or at least very minimal- an eyeliner and lipstick at the most. So I would definitely say I’d rather there be no makeup in the world but all the clothes I love.

  1. If time machines exist, what year would love to travel back to?

If there was a time machine I would travel to the future not the past. I would travel to 2500 and see what people are wearing what the environment looks like!

  1. Would want to revisit your past, or is your past your past for a reason?

I wouldn’t want to revisit the past – I think we should learn our lessons from the past and move on, it is our past for a reason! liebster rules I nominate the following blogs for the Liebster Award!!


with love gitana




Lonestar Lauren

Captured to share

Sadness Theory


Demin & Dumplings

Maison Bentley Style


  1. To you, what gets better with age?
  2. What is your favorite destination that you have been to and why?
  3. What is your dream destination to visit soon and why?
  4. Where is your dream place to live? Are you living there now?
  5. What is your favorite fashion trend right now?
  6. Who is your favorite fashion designer?
  7. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
  8. If time machines exist, what year would love to travel back to?
  9. Do you have any hobbies?
  10. What do you do when you are bored?
  11. Who is the number one role mode in your life?

Thanks again maddie kathryn for the nomination! xoxo PriVin

1 thought on “Liebster Award!! Thank You!”

  1. Thank you for posting the questions which would be in the mind of any fashion lover and all…they are answered aptly.Thank you for the share…

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